Certification programs

Control Union Certifications offers tailored or pre-made Certification Programs for sustainable sourcing, originating from agriculture sector.

BLK: Beter Leven Keurmerk

BLK: Beter Leven Keurmerk

Het Beter Leven keurmerk (BLk) geeft d.m.v. een sterrensysteem aan hoe diervriendelijk dieren voor de productie van vlees, eieren en zuivel zijn gehouden. Hoe meer sterren, des te meer aanpassingen ten behoeve van het welzijn van de dieren zijn gedaan. Control Union Certifications (CUC) is erkend als certificerende instelling voor het Beter Leven keurmerk door de Stichting Beter Leven keurmerk.
Food safety


PrimusGFS is a Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) benchmarked and fully recognized certification program covering both GAP and GMP scopes as well as food safety management systems (FSMS).
Food safety
Afrika, Antartica, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America
ISO 22000 – Food Safety Management System

ISO 22000 – Food Safety Management System

ISO 22000 is an internationally recognised standard that combines the ISO9001 approach to food safety management and HACCP for the assurance of food safety at all levels. Control Union Certifications BV is accredited by RVA for this standard for some sub-categories under registration nr. RvA-C499 Mgmt. Sys. CU Inspections & Certifications India Pvt. Ltd. is accredited by NABCB for this standard for some categories under accreditation Certificate No. FS 023.
Food safety
Afrika, Antartica, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America
FSSC 22000 – Food Safety System Certification

FSSC 22000 – Food Safety System Certification

Control Union Certifications is accredited for FSSC 22000, which is a certification scheme for food and feed safety and quality management systems in compliance with ISO22000 requirements, sector specific Prerequisite Program (PRPs) requirements and additional scheme requirements. Control Union Certifications BV is accredited by RVA for this scheme under registration nr. RvA-C499 Mgmt. Sys.
Food safety
Afrika, Antartica, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America
GMP+/FSA and GMP+/FRA certification

GMP+/FSA and GMP+/FRA certification

Control Union Certifications offers several feed safety certifications, including GMP+ FSA for Feed Safety Assurance, GMP+ FRA for Feed Responsible Assurance, Good Trading Practices (GTP) and secure feed audits.
Food safety
Afrika, Antartica, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America


As a result of increasing consumer concerns about the long-term health and environmental effects of the food we eat, the market responds with an increasing demand for certified non-GMO food. To meet this demand, we as Control Union have developed together with our partners the Non-GMO Production Standard (NGPS).
Aquaculture and fisheries
Food safety
Afrika, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America
ROC™ – Regenerative Organic Certified

ROC™ – Regenerative Organic Certified

Regenerative Organic Certified™ (ROC) is a new certification for food, textiles and personal care ingredients. ROC™ farms and products meet high standards in the world for soil health, animal welfare and farmworker fairness.
Food safety
Afrika, Antartica, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America
Plant-Based Certification Program – PBS

Plant-Based Certification Program – PBS

The global plant-based food market is growing rapidly. Plant-based food products category is growing faster than conventional ones. The plant-based food category will have a market valuation of almost US$40 billion by 2025 and grow at almost 10% between 2019-2025.
Food safety
Afrika, Antartica, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America
Agriculture farming

How can we help you?

Are you looking for a certain service, do you have any questions or do you want to apply for the certification program? Let us know. We’re glad to be of help.