Transparency is a key word in certification. This relates to standards, procedures and reports and Control Union Certifications publishes all the updated standards applicable for certain certification programmes on its website.

The way we work
As a standard procedure, when a ‘public summary’ of an audit is requested, a summary is published on the Control Union Certifications website. This allows public visibility of key aspects of relevant information and reassures your stakeholders, who are able to follow developments. This also stimulates continuous improvement.
Hard copies can be supplied on request.
Textile certified companies
If you want to see the report of the list of certified textile clients, you can request the information by clicking on the link below.
Request information about certified clients per country

How can we help you?
Are you looking for a certain service, do you have any questions or do you want to apply for the certification program? Let us know. We’re glad to be of help.