Sustainability 3

Accelerating our journey to a more sustainable future


Improve corporate sustainability performance

Sustainability is everybody’s business

In today’s marketplace, sustainability has become fundamental in business. As a global organization, Control Union recognizes its responsibility to continuously improve corporate sustainability performance.

Soft topics, hard facts

Our sustainability impact

Our vision is to be a leader in sustainable practices and to create a positive impact on the environment through our operations and services. We are committed to doing our part and have set a goal to achieve net zero emissions by 2040.

More about Control Union
Of land under regenagri
Total number of trees planted
Employees working at Control Union
Who we are

What we stand for at Control Union

Our approach to sustainability

Our internal program is based on four pillars: our environment, our people, society and corporate governance. We are committed to continuously improve in these key areas. We value our customer relationships, take care of our employees by supporting their development and personal well-being, consider the environment by saving energy, water and raw materials and give back to the communities we work in by supporting various local projects.

As a global service provider, we aim to reduce our carbon footprint by being on the ground where our clients need us to be and making the most of online conference and meeting facilities. This reduces the use of airplanes for business travel. Additionally, our helicopters and supply vessels co-sharing concept contributes significantly to a reduction in fuel consumption. The efforts in this area granted us the ‘Lean & Green Award’ run by Connect, on behalf of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment in the Netherlands.

We have published our 2023 Sustainability Report, which focuses on how we are incorporating sustainability management into our overall strategy. The report presents our current standing and the targets we aim to achieve. It also provides information on our overarching sustainability strategy, which comprises three pillars: our environment, our people & society, and corporate governance.

Our Sustainability Report

We have published our 2023 Sustainability Report, which focuses on how we are incorporating sustainability management into our overall strategy. The report presents our current standing and the targets we aim to achieve. It also provides information on our overarching sustainability strategy, which comprises three pillars: our environment, our people & society, and corporate governance.

Sustainability Report 2023
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